Designed to be wherever you need us to be.
If you need someone in your area, we can fix that. No one else can.
With more than 70 service providers throughout North America, NRC delivers the highest quality service expected at a local level, but with the geographic reach and oversight required of national and international service providers.

Independent locations. Shared promises.

Unrivaled Service
24/7 online access. Get your physical files in 60 minutes or less. Real-time local support. No call centers.

Secure & Compliant
HIPAA compliant, NAID AAA certified. Background checks, GPS trackers, 24/7 surveillance

90-day Guarantee
Switch to NRC for a free 90-day guarantee. No hidden fees ever.
If you are already using another document management provider,
we make it easy to switch!
We have a customer-centric transition process to make the move simple. We will guide you through each step and pay for any time left on your current contract.
We Pay Closing Costs
NRC will pay any closing fees from your previous provider.
Transparent Pricing
There are no hidden fees, surprise rate changes, or random expenses.
Let’s Connect
A representative will get back to you shortly after your message is received.